Érudit International









About Érudit

Érudit is a three-day annual literary festival organised by the students of Allenhouse Public School, Khalasi Lines, Kanpur. Described as 'The Great Literary Show,' Érudit is a sumptuous feast of ideas that promotes Arts, Theatre, Literature, and Media via its expansive list of events. Over the years, Érudit has brought together a diverse mix of students around the globe on one stage to champion the freedom to express, compete and grow. The vision behind developing an event of such magnitude is to provide a non-aligned platform offering free and fair access to an open arena of expressions, where students have the liberty to express themselves and experience the process of transformation from being an amateur to an expert.


Message from the Chairman

Over the years, Allenhouse Public School has set a high standard through its initiatives, playing a crucial role in the comprehensive development of our students. Our approach is rooted in creativity allowing us to give students a unique lens through which they can explore and understand various social dynamics. We are dedicated to empower our students to be agents of change, encouraging them to be mindful of their environment and to adopt a progressive outlook. Our paramount duty as educators is to ensure that every child gets an opportunity to receive an education that cultivates thoughtful and engaged citizenship. At Allenhouse Public School, we are dedicated to empowering each student with knowledge and wisdom, enabling them to make a positive difference in the world. We envision a future where every student achieves success and we are committed to working tirelessly to make this vision a reality. The Érudit International 2024 illustrates our commitment to providing a transformative experience that cultivates personal and academic excellence. This event is crafted to provide students with enriching experiences through dynamic community engagement and competitive activities, fostering the development of future leaders. I offer my sincere congratulations to the Principal and the entire Érudit Team for organizing the fifth edition of this prestigious International Literary Festival. May this event be a tremendous success inspiring students to fully explore and pursue their passion.
Warmest regards, Mukhtarul Amin


Message from the Principal

Greetings to all!
At Allenhouse Public School, Khalasi Lines, we are deeply committed to the belief that education extends far beyond the teaching of facts and theories. Our mission is to nurture young minds by exposing them to various aspects of life, providing a space where they can think freely and expand their horizons. Over the years, we have embraced our role as facilitators, dedicated to creating an open-minded community enriched by the contributions of teachers, industry experts, and skilled trainers who prepare our students for the future. It is with immense pride that I reflect on the progress we have made as a school. Our commitment to excellence is evident through numerous initiatives at both the institutional and individual levels. A prime example of our dedication is the Érudit initiative. This chapter, which we proudly present as "Imagine, Implement, Inspire," highlights the powerful synergy between our teachers and students-a partnership that continually elevates creativity and learning. Beginning as a literary consortium, this event is growing bigger and better with every edition. This time we are extremely proud of giving it a new shape altogether by collaborating with Mr Peter Milne and bringing Beyond COP21 Symposium. Allenhouse Khalasi Lines will be the first ever school to host this Symposium in India wherein students across the globe will come together to work, create and implement on the SDG's for preserving our planet Earth. Let us all commit ourselves to be true warriors for our existence as well as for the next generation.
Warmest regards, Dr. Ruchi Seth

Message from Peter


I am delighted to be bringing the Beyond COP21 Symposium series over to India for the first time, to be hosted by Allenhouse Public School Khalasi Lines Kanpur, and as part of Érudit International 2024. Beyond COP21 was first launched in 2016 in Dubai and the event in Kanpur represents the 45th in the global series, with India being the 25th different host country. The idea is all about bringing school communities and local organisations together to address critical challenges and solutions around sustainability and climate change. The three days of workshops, presentations, exhibitions and performances will provide a wonderful opportunity for all those attending. They will learn from and interact with each other; without doubt, energised and inspired by the themes, emotions and messages shared. In my role with schools, involving so many elements, from meetings to preparation to facilitation, I continue to be inspired by passionate students and teachers, including those at Allenhouse Public School Khalasi Lines, who really want to make a difference and who make me more determined than ever to support them. They are the purpose and my motivation. I would like to thank our host school for their vision, dedication and generosity in making such a special event happen and I look forward to meeting everybody in November.
Warmest regards, Peter Milne

Message from the Érudit Team


As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, The earth has enough resources for our need, but not enough for our greed.

In these challenging times, we have learned to appreciate the essentials of life and strive for a sustainable future. It is with great excitement that we invite you to International Érudit '24, a multidisciplinary consortium, taking place from November 15-17, 2024.

Érudit '24 will bring together students from across the globe, featuring events in diverse domains such as English, Information Technology, Fashion Studies, Entrepreneurship, Research, and more. Our goal is to inspire young minds to become active global citizens, fostering creativity, empathy, and critical thinking through this diverse range of activities.

The theme for Érudit '24 revolves around the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on pressing issues like climate change, social inequality, and economic growth. Our platform encourages students to share their talents, appreciate life's privileges, and make a positive impact.

Imagine. Implement. Inspire. Our core team has worked tirelessly to ensure this event is an enriching experience for all. By addressing these global challenges together, we hope to empower participants to become the changemakers of tomorrow.

Join us in shaping a brighter, more sustainable future where collective efforts drive progress and harmony.

What is beyond COP21/Symposium Beyond Logo

Beyond COP21 Symposium proposes to contribute a key ingredient to the success of the post-Paris 2015 UN Climate Change Conference agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): mobilisation of the youth and school communities. Key decisions made at COP26 in Glasgow, COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh and COP28 in Dubai will be incorporated into the discussions. event consists of themed high impact presentations from, and discussions with guest speakers on the Agenda 2030 and climate negotiations in and beyond Paris; individual and community action; pledge- making and practical youth led activities/workshops. Local sustainable companies and organisations are invited to showcase their initiatives and engage with students throughout the day. Each

For more details please visit beyondcop21symposium.org

Érudit Core Team

Ayan Mukhtar

Érudit Head

Prisha Sharma

Manager - Public Relations

Arnav Srivastava

Manager - Operations

Ishan Khandelwal

Head - Sponsorship

Harshit Gupta

Head - Marketing

Utkarsh Jain

Head - Finance

Kushagra Saini

Érudit Deputy Head

Shifa Khan

Technology and Innovation Strategist

Rajshree Ahuja

Enviromental Sustainability Advocate

Sanket Jha

Head - Logistics

Manasvi Agarwal

Head - Lodging

Shubh Mehrotra

Head - Lodging

Tarsh Jalan

Head - Transportation

Ayesha Fatima

Manager - Teams Relations

Jasreet Kaur

Head - Registerations

Siddhi Agarwal

Head - Hospitality

Kaustubh Agarwal

Head - Photography

Trishaar Golder

Head - IT

Arshpreet Saxena

Head - Decoration