Curtain Call

Event Image


Event code: E02
Group: B
Number of participant(s): 04-05
Duration: 04-05 minutes

• The team will be represented by 4-5 participants.
• The participants must enact a skit that centers around one or more of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a specific emphasis on environmental conservation.
• Each character and title of the play shall be introduced by the narrator at the beginning.
• The time limit for the presentation will be 4 minutes.
• An LED screen will be provided on stage for presenting any video as a backdrop for the performance.
• 2-4 minutes will be provided for setting up the stage.
• Schools must bring their own props, pen drives (carrying backdrop and soundtrack), costumes, and any other requirements needed.

Judgement Criteria:
• Presentation
• Compliance with the theme
• Staging and time limit
• Creativity
• Pronunciation and Projection

Teacher Incharge: Mrs. Rupali Somaddar
Contact no.: +91 9839975964