
  1. Registration will begin at 7:30 am on 15 November 2024.
  2. All participants must carry their Aadhar / School ID cards, duly signed by the Principal.
    (International participants are requested to bring their passport along with Xerox copies for registration.)
  3. Maximum 15 participants are allowed per school, wherein 6 participants and the teacher in charge must be registered for the symposium (a compulsory event).
  4. The Registration Fee per participant is Rs. 1,000/- (One Thousand INR only).
    Mode of Payment: Net banking
    Allenhouse Public School A/c no.: 16830100004686
    Bank of Baroda, Chunni Ganj, Kanpur
    Schools must share the transaction details with the host school along with the registration form.
  5. All schools/teams are requested to confirm their participation via email at in the prescribed format by 20 October 2024 at the latest.
  6. Each team must be accompanied by a teacher as the Teacher In Charge. If the Principal is accompanying the team, they will be treated as a Guest of Honour.
  7. Schools are requested to double-check the timings of each event and the number of participants to avoid any clashes. Once a team is registered for an event, they must participate in that event.
  8. A Communication Centre and First Aid Facility will be available at the venue.
  9. Besides a set of rules for various events, teams will be provided with collar/standing mics as per the requirement projected by them at the time of confirmation of registration.
  10. All teams are requested to carry their School Banner (4ft x 2ft) or School Flag (3ft x 2ft) during the opening ceremony scheduled for 15 November 2024.
  11. All schools must email a brief presentation (maximum 10 slides), broadly covering the school photo, logo, Principal's photo, and other details describing the major activities/achievements of their school, by 5 November 2024.
  12. Schools must inform about any changes (if any) from the list already submitted (in terms of participants or events) at the time of registration. Fresh inputs/changes, duly authenticated by the Principal alone, will be accepted.
  13. Certificates of participation will be awarded to all participants. First, second, and third positions, where achieved, will be additionally mentioned. Championship and Runners-Up trophies will be awarded to the teams standing first and second based on points earned.
  14. If a team/participant does not report at the venue after the final announcement, they will be deemed disqualified. Teams will also be judged on their conduct and discipline, and the most disciplined team (in terms of punctuality, attendance, conduct, etc.) will be announced at the end of the competition.
  15. For outstation teams/participants, accommodation and all meals will be catered for. Lunch will be served to local participants as well. Meals will be served as per the timings laid down, and all are requested to strictly adhere to these timings.
  16. In case of any unavoidable clash between events, teams are requested to coordinate with their members and inform the Control Room on the day of the event.
  17. Topics for events like E02, E06, and E09 will be given in advance to all teams/schools once their participation is confirmed.
  18. The individual participation is open for all solo events, including the Symposium. The Registration Fee per participant is Rs. 1,000/- (One Thousand INR only).
    Mode of Payment: Net banking
    Allenhouse Public School
    A/c no.: 16830100004686
    Bank of Baroda, Chunni Ganj, Kanpur
    Participants must share the transaction details with the host school along with their registration confirmation.