Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.
Children are the biggest blessing bestowed upon humankind. Formulating them into an asset to the planet is a bliss that helps to change the paradigms of not just a single home but the whole world. Potential world leaders, educational bodies and educators have the biggest responsibility on their shoulders today.
Looking at the present times, the 21st century is in the mode of testing competency. It is now the survival of the fittest. Outstanding has become the new normal. Whereas, ‘progressive’ has become a new quantifier that can’t be neglected. Schools are under constant shift to produce competent masters who shall take the baton of running the world very soon.
At Allenhouse Public School, we have decoded a pedagogy that has successfully managed to produce young world leaders from the Millennials in the past and is ready to do the same with Gen-Z as well. As an education body, we have taken a plethora of initiatives for the benefit of our young warriors.
Érudit is our flagship International event organised by The Allenites every year. It is a door open to the students for a healthy, pragmatic cultural exchange. Our vision behind establishing an event of such magnitude is to give our students an open canvas to draw a sky that allows them to paint with their imagination.
As one of the biggest literary events organised at the school level, Érudit itself is one of a kind experience for the students. It offers them an exposure that counts in transitioning their perspectives and convinces them to explore various domains through a variety of events.
This brainchild of Allenhouse Public School, Khalasi Lines, deserves to be acknowledged and its organising team has to be recognised for their untiring efforts in curating another successful chapter of Érudit.
Good Luck!
Ms. Nausheen Shadab